Monday, February 18, 2008

Suji Cookies

Photos By: JS
Recipe By: Oi Lin at

Gong xi fa cai!!!! Yeah...I know I am lagging. Its like day 11 of the Chinese New Year already. Gosh..time flies. The first few days of the new year was spent trying to recuperate from a bad bout of shingles (caused by dormant chicken pox virus)but thanks to the support of my friends and daily consolation by my parents via phone, I managed to have a speedy recovery=) Nothing however, could dampen my festive baking spirit and I went on a CNY cookie baking frenzy. The pineapple tart didn't turn out like the way I wanted it to be (pineapple jam tasted more like the fruit itself than the conventional pineapple filling).The suji cookies however, were pretty awesome and I thought it would be great to share the recipe with you. Go easy on the Ghee though!! It clogs the arteries.

I found Oi Lin's recipe online while googling for pineapple tarts. It turns out that she is quite the professional baker who has published a couple of Asian desert cook books. She also has a vblog at Do check it out!!

Suji cookies have always been one of my favourite CNY tart since when I was little. I remember my mum making it a couple of years just before I left for the States (and said bye bye to 3 years of Chinese New Year + Hong Baos) but honestly speaking, I like mine better =) I attended a church service 1 month back and the pastor was preaching about how God's love manifest itself through common family interests and I was just thinking how baking/cooking and bowling forge stronger relationships within my own family. I cannot imagine summer holidays without me and mum contributing to the decibel level of peaceful Siglap by overworking our Kenwood Chef cake mixer (its Dad's birthday present for mum from the 80s!). Can't wait to get home this May for more kitchen adventures!

Suji Cookies

100g ghee
120g caster sugar
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
70g ground almonds
150g plain flour (all-purpose flour)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
Egg glaze: egg yolk

Mix first 4 ingredients, then add almonds and mix.
Sift flour, baking soda and salt. Mix and add to above. Mix to form a dough.
Scoop dough with a teaspoon, shape it with your hands (see video) and arrange on lined tray. Brush with yolk glaze.
Bake in preheated 180 degrees Celsius / 350 degrees Fahrenheit oven for 12 to 14 minutes till yolk glaze on cookies look golden yellow and bottoms of cookies are golden brown. Do not overbake!! Do not underbake either or cookies will not be crisp.
Allow cookies to cool completely on a rack and store in container.

Recipe Notes:
Using a measuring spoon to scoop dough makes your cookies all evenly sized.

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