Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Seattle Eats (II): Top Pot Doughnut

Photos By: Val

Add: 2124 5th Ave, Seattle, USA
Great for: coffee, breakfast, doughnuts, hanging out, price

As promised, here is the 2nd installation of Seattle Eats.

Was just looking through my Picasa3 albums on photos from June - right after the epic road trip where a group of us took a 9 day drive across the U.S. from South Dakota to Seattle (yes, that is a hell lot of driving)...totally filled me with an immense sense of longing. I miss that place.

In any case, the first album taken on the 1st of June consisted of shots from an early breakfast jaunt at Top Pot Doughnuts - a popular breakfast place near JS's apartment where the lucky people living in Seattle get to saunter in at any time of the day (till 7pm) for some lovely doughnuts.

Upon stepping into the eatery, I was engulfed by the aroma of freshly-brewed coffee and doughnuts. The place was brightly lit by streams of morning sunlight pouring through the glass-pane front facade of the cafe. There was an elaborate bookshelf to the left of the entrance that spanned the entire height of the cafe and was well-stocked with books. In short, the bakery felt like a comfy loft more than anything else! It was a great place to start off a brand new day.

The friendly staff at the counter gave some hints on which doughnuts were popular and we made our choice, collected our doughnuts (not before getting our morning caffeine of course) and proceeded to the second level (this place is kinda huge for a bakery/cafe) to start on our breakfast.
I have NEVER tasted anything like the Apple Fritter doughnut that I ordered. Although covered with glazing, it was not too overly saccharin ed - unlike many of the mass-produced over-the-counter doughnuts out there. This was one doughnut that had a delicate and well-proportioned blend of cinnamon spice, little bits of apple, fried dough and icing ...all acting as complements to one another. The dough was light and fluffy too, a great change from those conventional dense ones.

My counterparts' choice were not too lacking either (though some disagreed with my raving reviews of the Apple Fritter). The Raspberry Doughnut was pretty to look at, but definitely not one of my favourites as it was a little too sweet for my liking. The old-fashioned/original doughnut tasted great with coffee! I am not a big coffee drinker (and i don't claim to be an expert at it), but reviews online have given Top Pot's coffee a 2 thumbs up so do remember to order a cup of their specialty brew when you are there!

There are many who swear by Top Pot's Bavarian Cream doughnuts, and others who faithfully stand by their choice of the old-fashioned glaze doughnuts. Whatever the case, I am pretty sure you would find one that suits your mood and tastebud at any time of the day.

Check out their entire doughnut selection here

That being said, I still pretty much enjoy the normal sugar-ed doughnuts we have here in neighborhood bakeries all around Singapore=)


Angela Yeung and Søren Madsen said...

the pics are so pretty?! what camera are u using?! I just bought a box of krispy kreme~~ LOL

Valee said...

helooo angella..
looks like u r trotting the globe huh? i m envious!
i use a DSLR> the cheapest one from Canon! haha.
i used to be quite impressed with Krispy Kremees, bought them from Krogers as midnight snacks. lol.
hope you doing goood..